Contact Information

Reservoir Link Solutions Sdn Bhd (RLS) provides Integrated Consultancy Services for the wide range of services offered. This includes but is not limited to Chemical Improved Oil Recovery (IOR)  services, flow assurance services, sub-surface consultancy, cognitive data analytic solutions, integrated sand management, specialized laboratory services, and expert interpretive and advisory solutions. RLS has established Research & Development programs to develop specialty technologies in relation to production enhancement, flow assurance, and process optimizations.


Accreditation and Certification

Certification Type Application Date of Awarded
Quality Management System DNV/ISO 10 May 2021

Key Clients Projects

Country Clients Project Name and Summary of Work Space Year
Malaysia HESS WOOD Malaysia Blackish Analysis - Topside 2021
Brunei WOOD BSP Rejuvenation Contracts – Supply of pigtraps 2021
Malaysia PTTEP PTTEP Sealant Project 2021
Malaysia NGLTech Desander Maintenance for NGL Tech (Sumandak) 2021
Malaysia PTTEP Provision of Downhole Mechanical Heating Equipment and Services for Production Operation 2020