MNS Services and Sales Sdn Bhd was incorporated in 2019 with 100% bumiputra equity. We have since then grown in both market segments and product offering. We represent both local and overseas manufacturers in providing sealing and safety solutions to piping and fittings, focusing on products that safeguard personnel safety as well as plants’ asset integrity.
MNS Service & Sales is exclusively supported by:
1. Flange Guards Ltd. based in Basildon, United Kingdom, one of the leading safety spray shields specialists and manufacturer for various applications and across all industries.
2. Specialised Engineering Products Ltd, based in Hampshire, United Kingdom, a specialist of finger safety and manufacturer Finger Saver.
We also supply product that brings safety benefits such as nut splitter and anti-spark tools as well as various types of sealings, including all types of gaskets, gland packing, anti-leak tapes and pipe repair kits.
We serve a diverse range of customers that include multinational oil and gas industries, power plants, petrochemicals, marine, biodiesel, oleochemicals and food industries, in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.