Contact Information

Enviros Survey & Consultancy Sdn Bhd has been established in Malaysia since December 2018. We currently employ over 100 Malaysian employees in our Malaysian company and Enviros is primarily involved in the offshore renewables and energy sector and is a global support services provider, delivering valuable data and services.

With our headquarters in Southampton, UK, and offices in Bruges, Belgium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Busan, Korea, and Kuala Lumpur, Enviros has extensive experience worldwide operating in offshore coastal and land environments on a global level. Our advisory and consultancy services play a major role in tailoring to client’s evolving needs, and we strive to meet the demand. Our diverse portfolio of services helps to cater to all major operational sector demands and is constantly updated to anticipate the evolving needs of the industry.


Accreditation and Certification

Certification Type Application Date of Awarded
ISO 9001:2015 Management System Certificate 1 June 2020
ISO 14001:2015 Management System Certificate 1 June 2020
ISO 45001:2015 Management System Certificate 1 June 2020

Key Clients Projects

Country Clients Project Name and Summary of Work Space Year
Malaysia POSCO Provision of Surface Geochemical Survey & Analysis for Block PM524 2023
Malaysia Sapura Provision of Debris Survey 2022
Malaysia Enquest Provision of geophysical survey 2022
United Kingdon Total Energies Offshore geophysical site investigation 2021 Round 4 Offshore windfarm UK 2021
Malaysia Petronas Framework contract for international/global surveys 2019