Contact Information

Eastteam Resources Sdn. Bhd. (ETR) was incorporated in 31st March 2021 as a majority Bumiputra owned and operated entity. Our vision is to energizing the idea of smart energy in line with Sarawak’s government goal to fulfil one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which involves producing affordable and clean energy.

Core Business

  • Rotating Equipment
  • Specialized Services
  • Smart Grid
  • Engineering, Procurement, Construction, & Commissioning (EPCC)
  • Rural Electrification
  • Energy Distribution
  • Air Conditioning


Accreditation and Certification

Certification Type Application Date of Awarded
Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor Dan Juruperunding (UPKJ) Works (No: UPKJ/W/004098) Class: F, Head: I, Sub-Head: 1 13 February 2022
Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor Dan Juruperunding (UPKJ) Certified Bumiputera Status (SFS/UPK/M/641) 10 January 2022
Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor Dan Juruperunding (UPKJ) Supply & Services (No: UPKJ/S/000758 Class: C, Head: II, Sub-Head: 2(b) 18 August 2021
Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor Dan Juruperunding (UPKJ) Mechanical (No: UPKJ/M/000127) Class: D, Head: V, Sub-Head: 1(d), 2(a), 2(b), 3,7 18 August 2021
CIDB GRADE 3 (G3) 12 August 2021

Key Clients Projects

Country Clients Project Name and Summary of Work Space Year
Malaysia Petronas MLNG Sdn Bhd Supply and Delivery of Ball Valve Spare Kit 2022
Malaysia Batang Ai Power Generation Sdn Bhd The Yearly Contract Of AirConditioning Servicing 2022