Services Biz Financing (SBF)


Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)


  1. Encourage service companies to expand their markets locally and globally
  2. Assist existing and new companies to improve company cash flow and cost of doing business
  3. Encourage expansion/ upgrading/ modernization/ diversification of existing services providers into higher value-added activities and improve productivity in service delivery
  4. Enhance capacity building of local companies facing intense competition by the impact of liberalisation

Funding Amount

Minimum: RM50,000.00
Maximum: RM5,000,000.00

Note: The maximum limit is per company

Claim Method

Claim to be given to the vendor/supplier directly or to the applicant if the payment is made in advance.

Purpose of Financing


1. Companies registered under Companies Act 2016 or enterprises registered under the Registration of Businesses Ordinance 1956 or professionals registered under the Certificate of Practice by Professional Regulatory Bodies;
2. At least 51% equity held by Malaysian;
3. Possess a valid business licence issued by local authority.

All services sector with prioritization to 12 promoted sub-sectors:

  • Hotel
  • Tourism
  • Transportation
  • Green Technology
  • Ship Building & Repair
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Professional Services
  • Information Technology & Communication
  • Research & Development (R&D)
  • Oil & Gas
  • Manufacturing Related Services (MRS)

Scope of Funding

1. Project
Covers the entire project cost items including pre-operational expenses

2. Asset acquisition
   (a) Property
i. Purchase of new/ ready-built premise
ii. Purchase of land and construction of premise
iii. Remortgage – free from encumbrances
iv. Refinance – property charges to other banks*
v. Renovations
vi. Other eligible expenses

Note: *Refinance of existing facility with other banks up to principal amount only.

   (b) Machinery/ Equipment/ Motor Vehicles
i. New
ii. Used/ Reconditioned**
iii. Other eligible expenses

Note: **not more than 5 years old

   (c) New ICT Hardware and Software
i. Including other eligible expenses

3. Working Capital 
(a) Purchase of components/ inventory/ raw materials etc.

   (b) Advertising and Promotional cost
i. Related expenses such as media advertising, e-commerce website development, printing of promotional materials etc.
ii. Up to 12 months cost

   (c) Accreditation/ Certification/ Licensing/ Training
i. To meet Local/ Global Standard

   (d) Research and Development

   (e) Operating Expenses (OPEX)
i. Day-to-day related expenses (e.g. staff salary/ utilities and etc.)
ii. Up to 6 months

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link