Project/Contract Financing


Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV)


Financing for the purpose of capex/ working capital for delivery of contracts, project developments and executions.

We also provide bank guarantee to facilitate the project.

Funding Amount

Total financing up to 85% of contract value or total project cost.


Claim Method

Disbursement (DD) ratio 80/20 or 70/30 based on request Up to facility Limit Minimum DD amount of RM50,000 Progressive milestone

Purpose of Financing


• Public or private limited company incorporated in Malaysia
• Minimum paid-up share capital of RM100,000
• Minimum five (5) employees
• No restriction on foreign shareholding
• Viable technology project/ contract

Scope of Funding

  1. MDV contract financing facilities uses a suite of financing instruments such as term loans, and revolving and trade facilities, are specifically tailored for specific requirements of an individual contract
  2. Financing may include components of term or revolving financing to cover capital expenditures and working capital requirements
  3. Trade facilities may be included for overseas payments and to cater for bank guarantees where necessary

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link