Industry Digitalisation Transformation Scheme (IDTS)


Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB)


Funding for transformation of Malaysia’s industrial capabilities by supporting the right ecosystem for Industry 4.0 to make Malaysia a preferred high technology manufacturing location

Funding Amount

  • RM1.0 billion
    (An aggregate of RM500 million is allocated for Bumiputera companies across all schemes)
  • As guidance, the fund available per customer may be determined based on the following categories:
    • Asset/hardware/software acquisition and/or development: up to RM100 million
    • Development of infrastructure: up to RM100 million
  • The above may vary subject to the Bank’s credit assessment.

Claim Method

Profit subsidy of 2% on quarterly basis (based on disbursed amount)

Purpose of Financing


  1. Partnership, Private Limited, Public Company and Co-operatives.
  2. Registered and incorporated in Malaysia.
  3. Minimum ownership of 40% by Malaysian

Scope of Funding

  1. Technologies are inclusive of, but not limited to, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Automation meant for:-
  • Producer: Technology firms or manufacturing companies offering the technologies
  • User: Companies/entities adopting the technologies as part of their operations
  • Provider of Infrastructure: Companies that construct/build related infrastructure for the adoption of technology

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link

Financing Centre Survey Form

Thank you for visiting our Financing Centre page in the I-OGSE Portal

We would like to obtain your feedback on the challenge concerning access to finance to enhance our understanding of companies’ needs and how MPRC can assist to address the challenges.

Your response would be highly appreciated.