Business Start-up Fund




Business Start-up Fund (BSF) is established to fund early stage technology-based companies. The Fund incorporates elements of loan and equity, offering companies flexible funding via Convertible Promissory Notes (CPN) and/or Preference Shares.


BSF is designed to provide funding to scalable and viable technology-based early stage companies with the objective to remove the financial blockages in achieving the business goals and matching the business standard and high level of competition, particularly in the growth sectors of the economy.


“Early Stage Financing is not just about raising funds, it is a holistic process that involves the development of dynamic business planning with feasible growth targets and quantifying the potential exit return for high-risk investor.”

Funding Amount

Maximum of of up to RM5.0 million or 90% of the total project cost, whichever is lower. Comprise 18 months grace period and 5 years repayment period

Claim Method

Flexible funding via interest free Convertible Promissory Notes (CPN) or Preference Shares. The CPN is with an option to convert to Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares (RCPS)

Purpose of Financing


  • The company is incorporated under the Companies Act 2016
  • Technology-based company with at least 51% Malaysian-owned

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link