High Tech & Green Facility (HTG)


SME Bank


Designed to help SMEs and innovative start-ups to grow their businesses and invest in strategic sectors and technologies fields (digital tech, green tech and biotech) for a sustainable and entrenched economic recovery.

Funding Amount

Up to RM 10 million

Purpose of Financing


Malaysian SMEs in the following subsectors:

  • Manufacturing:
    1. Electrical and Electronics (E&E)
    2. Chemicals
    3. Refined petroleum
    4. Machinery & Equipment (M&E)
    5. Medical devices and pharmaceuticals
    6. Automotive and transport equipment (including aerospace, vehicle and parts manufacturers)
  • Services
    1. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
    2. Research & Development

(Sectors identified to be most aligned to the long-term strategic development goals for Malaysia under the National Investment Aspirations (NIAs)).


Business (including commercially ready start-ups) involved in providing technology solutions:

  • Green Technology
    1. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
    2. Research & Development
    3. Renewable energy & energy efficiency
    4.  Transportation
    5. Clean transportion, electric vehicle, battery development
    6. Natural resources
    7. Sustainable water and waste management
    8. Aquatic conservation and pollution prevention
    9. Circular economy
    10. Reusing, recycling and remanufacturing
    11. Repurposing of stranded assets
    12. Agritech
    13. Precision and automated farming
    14. Vertical farming
    15. Farming using drones, IoT and big data analytics
    16. Low carbon technologies
    17. Low carbon-emitting technologies (Carbon, capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), low carbon hydrogen)
  • Digital and 4IR Technology
    1. Smart manufacturing (IoT solutions)
    2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    3. Big data analytics
    4. Virtual/ Augmented reality
    5. Robotics
    6. Drone technologies
    7. Connectivity and distributed infrastructure (5G, blockchain, cloud computing)
    8. 3D printing
    9. Software development (digital healthcare technology, e-commerce, fintech and payment platform, gaming mobility solutions)
  • Biotechnology
    1. Neurotechnology
    2. Biohealth (genetic)
    3. Biosciences (crop and yield improvement)


SMEs and start-ups involved in the listed Government programmes.

All eligible programmes will be updated periodically at

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link