Contact Information

Rynotech Sdn Bhd (Rynotech) has been in business since 2007 formerly known as WARAS JUARA SDN BHD. Malaysian incorporated company with 100% Bumiputera equity and status was established in 2007. Rynotech was structured to tap the wide range of dynamic business potential in the Malaysian Engineering, Security, and ICT market, especially in the oil and gas sectors, government bodies, private sectors, telecommunication industries, and others.

Rynotech is an integrated power solution provider in Critical Power, Renewable Energy, and Data Centers for customers of various industries. Rynotech provides a complete range of power equipment, professional and comprehensive power services, and solutions: All Industrial UPS up to 600kVA, online double conversion UPS from 1kVA to 1200kVA, DC Charger, lithium battery UPS, Outdoor UPS, telecom inverter, rectifier, EPS, STS, Energy Storage System, Solar System, Surge and Transient Protection System, Grounding System, etc.


Accreditation and Certification

Key Clients Projects

Country Clients Project Name and Summary of Work Space Year
Malaysia Petronas Dagangan Berhad The provision to supply and installation of new uninterrupted power supply (UPS) system Labuan Fuel Terminal 2021