Maritime & Logistic Scheme (MLF)


Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB)


Providing financial assistance to new and existing companies dealing with or involved in maritime-related activities and services including aerospace and logistic activities

Funding Amount

  • RM 1.5 billion
    (An aggregate of RM500 million is allocated for Bumiputera companies across all schemes)
  • As guidance, the fund available per customer may be determined based on the following categories:
    • Working capital requirements: Up to RM100 million
    • Development of infrastructure: Up to RM150 million
  • The above may vary subject to the bank’s credit assessment.

Claim Method

Profit subsidy of 2% on quarterly basis (based on disbursed amount)

Purpose of Financing


  1. Private Limited, Public Company and Cooperatives;
  2. Majority ownership of 51% by Malaysian
  3. Incorporated and registered in Malaysia

Scope of Funding

Companies that are involved in marine, oil & gas, aerospace and logistics-related activities and services

Application Procedure

Fill the form to get the application procedure link