Contact Information

Zincgrey is main distributor in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia for Roval Corporation Japan since 2019. Roval is an evolution developed with Japanese technology for the purpose of protecting metal surface whether new building steel structure damaged surfaces or damaged galvanized iron coatings. It is developed with a special resin mixture to produce a high-quality Cold Galvanizing Compound. Roval capability can make the steel structure look new and will provide optimal protection from repeated rust and will extend the shelf life of the coating.


Accreditation and Certification

Certification Type Application Date of Awarded
ISO 12944-6:2018 by SIRIM Corrosion Protection of Steel Structure 18 October 2022
ASTM D520-OO (2019) by SIRIM Zinc Dust Pigment 24 August 2022
ISO 9227:2017 by SGS- CSTC Standards Technical Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Neutral Salt Spray Test 18 January 2022
ISO 11997-1:2017 cysle D By SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Cyclic Corrosion Test 24 December 2021
ISO 12944-6:2018 by National Quality Supervision Testing Center for Paint Corrosion Protection of Steel Structure 21 May 2021

Key Clients Projects

Country Clients Project Name and Summary of Work Space Year
Malaysia Idemitsu Paint Piping / Supply paint Epo Roval 96% 2023
Malaysia JKR Paint bailey bridges / Supply paint Roval 96% 2023
Malaysia Effiforce s/B Paint radar tower and all structure / Supply paint Roval 96% 2022
Malaysia Wantar Engineering Paint tank maintenance / Supply paint Roval 96% 2022
Malaysia Eneon Production Paint subframes for Singapore Zoo / Supply paint Roval 96% 2022